Andy McDonald
Detective Superintendent, SO15- Counter Terrorism Command, London Metropolitan Police
Detective Superintendent Andy McDonald joined the Metropolitan Police Service in 1986, direct from University. He has extensive overt and covert investigative experience in all ranks as a detective and Financial Investigator, where he has led a number of high profile fraud, money laundering and organized crime investigations.
Following a significant period in covert operations, he returned to the MPS Serious and Organized Crime Command where he was Head of the MPS Fraud Investigation and Prevention, Arts and Antiques and the Gaming Unit. He designed, negotiated funding and implemented the new MPS Fraud and Cyber crime operating model – Operation FALCON.
As part of his Masters studies, Andy undertook and achieved the MBA qualification through Strathclyde University (SGBS). His dissertation explored the effects of constant technological and legal changes to client relationships in bespoke areas of the regulated sector. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management.
Since 2014, Andy has held Command positions in Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorism Command where he is the current Head of Specialist Investigations. His portfolio includes the National Terrorist Financial Investigation Unit (NTFIU) and Joint Border Force cash seizure teams.